• EADI Directors´Meeting 2019

  • Inicio: Jueves, 17 octubre 09:00
    Fin: Viernes, 18 octubre 13:00
  • c/ Escritor Castilla Aguayo, 4 14004 Córdoba Salón de Actos
  • The EADI Directors´Meeting es an annual event that connects EADI research institutes for more effective co-operation by sharing ideas, indentifying common problems, reviewing progress of ongoing initiatives, creating jointly new project plans. 

    In 2019 the annual Directors' meeting will be held in Cordoba, Spain, at Loyola University from 17 to 18 October 2019. The event is kindly hosted by a consortium of EADI members in Spain: REEDESInstituto ElcanoICEI and ETEA Foundation.

    The topical focus of this year's meeting will be the 2030 Agenda, with emphasis on the Latin American perspective and with an overarching focus on the practical application of public policies. The meeting will consist of several panels, aiming to build connections between member institutes and the 50 to 80 expected participants.

    More information: https://www.eadi.org/directors-meeting/